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Home > QMS Catalogue - English > Jaccard > Jaccard Original SUPER Meat Tenderizer - 48 Knives
Jaccard Original SUPER Meat Tenderizer - 48 Knives

Jaccard Original SUPER Meat Tenderizer - 48 Knives

The original multi-blade, hand held super meat tenderizer that does much more than just tenderize. Ideal for beef, fish and poultry is the #1 choice of professional chefs and home cooking enthusiasts. 


  • Ideal for enhancing any type of meat, not just tough or inexpensive meats, including but not limited to beef, pork, veal, chicken, turkey, venison and fowl.
  • Reduces cooking times by up to 40%, resulting in much juicers and flavorful meat
  • Razor sharp double edge knives effortlessly cut through the connective tissue in meat that can cause it to be tough
  • Provides pathway for marinades to be absorbed deeper into the meat

GeekWrapped Best Meat tenderizerThis tenderizer has been awarded Top Pick for Best Meat Tenderizer by GeekWrapped, one of the largest product/gift suggestion platform with over half a million visitors per month.