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Home > QMS Catalogue - English > Maja > Maja Conveyorized Derinder ESB 4434
Maja Conveyorized Derinder ESB 4434

Maja Conveyorized Derinder ESB 4434

The automatic MAJA derinding machines ESB 4434 (and ESB 4434/1 with discharge conveyor belt) are made for the safe derinding of flat meat cuts through an infeed conveyor belt. Moreover, round cuts can be manually derinded in open version, in accordance with current CE regulations.

The advantages of the ESB-range:

  • One machine for all cuts: Automatic derinding with infeed conveyor belt and also manual derinding for high flexibility.
  • High operator safety for derinding of flat cuts with the infeed conveyor belt.
  • Fast changeover from automatic derinding to manual operation.
  • Optimum result: Perfect removal of the rind without residuals on the cut for increased yield and more profit.